Mazzie Boyd worked for U. S. Sen. Roy Blunt this past summer.
Mazzie Boyd spent her summer as an intern for Sen. Roy Blunt in Washington, D.C., thanks to funding from the Missouri Western State University Foundation to help pay for her housing while there.
“It was a great experience,” she said. “I am so grateful, because I couldn’t have completed the internship without the funding.”
Kim Weddle ’00, director of Development, noted that the Western League for Excellence is all about filling in funding “gaps” for students. “Because gifts to the Western League for Excellence aren’t designated for specific items, it is great to be able to help students experience these types of opportunities when they arise.”
Mazzie, a business management major who will graduate in May 2020 after just three years of college, attended the Governor’s Student Leadership Forum in Jefferson City, Missouri in February 2019, and was recommended for a summer internship in D.C. She spent nine weeks in Sen. Blunt’s office, answering calls from constituents, taking around office visitors and attending committee meetings.
“It was great seeing all the Senators that you usually only see on television,” she said. “I also enjoyed serving Missouri; it was the best way I could give back to my state.”
In order to stay on track to graduate in just three years, Mazzie took 12 credit hours of online courses this past summer, even though she was completing the internship for Sen. Blunt.
But full course loads each semester didn’t stop her from becoming involved in a number of student organizations, particularly the Student Government Association. She served as a senator for SGA and as a member of several committees. Mazzie has also worked in the Student Affairs Office since she was a freshman.
“I really appreciate the Foundation helping me complete my internship.”