The Ensworth Medical Education Scholarship Fund was established by the Ensworth Hospital and Medical Education Fund in 2012 to assist Missouri Western State University graduates continuing their degree at an accredited school of medicine.
Confirmed admission to a medical school, osteopathic or allopathic.
Completion of a bachelor’s degree granted by MWSU (a minimum of 60 credits must have been completed at MWSU).
Application Process
Please attach the following to your completed application:
- Copy of all college/university transcripts.
- Statement of financial need (yearly income of parents if a dependent; personal yearly income if independent, including spouse’s income if married). Include in this statement your anticipated additional sources of funding for your medical school education.
- Essay describing
- Why you have chosen to become a physician
- Your previous medical experiences
- Your community engagement/volunteering experiences, and
- The field of medicine in which you plan to practice in the future
- A copy of the acceptance letter for the accredited medical school which you will attend.
- A copy of the billing statement from the graduate institution. Note: If the institution has an early payment deadline, arrangements must be made with the Foundation Accounting Office.
The Ensworth Medical Education Scholarship Selection Committee will not consider incomplete applications.

Applications should be submitted no later than May 1st of any given calendar year to be eligible for award disbursement in the fall semester of the medical school academic year. Award disbursements are made directly to the attending medical school after all requirements have been met.
The Ensworth Medical Education Scholarship is an annual award renewable only through the application process EACH year.
Submit Application to
Missouri Western State University
Ensworth Medical Education Scholarship
c/o Jenny Sherlock
4525 Downs Drive, Spratt 111
St. Joseph, MO 64507