September 29, 2023
6-7:30 p.m.
Rehearsal at GGMB Practice Field, MWSU Campus. To get to the GGMB Practice Field, you must enter from Mitchell Ave. If traveling east, you will turn left at the road after the SE University Dr. stoplight. The road is 50th St., but is unmarked. 50th St. is behind Vartabedian Hall. If traveling west on Mitchell Ave., you will turn right at 50th St. Once you are on 50th St., you will pass two left entrances to the residence hall parking lots. The GGMB Field is the third left turn and is a gravel road. You will park in the grass parking lot at the field. There will be a caravan that leaves Potter Hall at 6 p.m. to make navigation to the field easier.
8-10:30 p.m.
Reception for alumni band (location TBD)
September 30, 2023
10 a.m.-12 p.m. optional – Come downtown to cheer on the GGMB as they march in the Homecoming parade.
12:30 p.m.-2 p.m. optional – lunch in sections with current GGMB members.
2:30 p.m. – Call time for the game in Potter Hall 108 followed by a short tune-up and warmup
3 p.m. – Clock Tower Performance and troop to Spratt Stadium
3:40 p.m. – Pre-Game Step Off
4 p.m. – Kick Off
Upon completion of the registration process, you will be emailed music for the performance. We will have printed copies for you as well; however, we have limited access to extra flip folders and lyres to hold the printed music.
T-shirts to wear for the performance are $10 each. They are the same shirts as last year.