Dear Friends,pickman

On behalf of the Missouri Western State Foundation, I want to thank you for your support as a Western League Member.

We are very proud of the work of the Missouri Western Foundation and what we have been able to accomplish through undesignated gifts such as yours to the Western League of Excellence. Undesignated gifts allow the Missouri Western Foundation the flexibility to immediately respond to the needs of the University as they arise by helping to provide programs, equipment, facilities, scholarships and more that are not funded through tuition or the State of Missouri.

Undesignated gifts to the Missouri Western Foundation help provide a margin of excellence for our students. Those gifts provide many opportunities for students that may not otherwise be available.

Your gifts:

  • Host nationally prominent speakers
  • Provide scholarships
  • Promote innovative programs aimed at preparing students for their future careers
  • Support students to present research at national and international conferences
  • Sponsor guest scholars who inspire and engage a love for learning

Because of your support, the Foundation is truly a Foundation of Excellence.

My Best


Jerry Pickman ’85