The Blake K. Scanlon Applied Learning Presentation Grant was established by James J. and Lauren K. Scanlon for the purpose of providing grants to Missouri Western State University students presenting refereed papers (or refereed poster sessions) or exhibiting juried works (or making juried performances) in national and international professional venues (not regional). The funds shall be used to cover travel, lodging, and meal expenses associated with their role in these venues. Individual grant awards shall be no more than $1,000.
Applicants must be currently enrolled as students at Missouri Western State University.
Activities must have a direct relationship to current academic studies and serve as an enhancement of the academic experience.
Eligible expenditures include travel and hotel accommodations in a conference city, registration fees, meals and other expenses specifically related to the approved activity.
Application Process
The following application process must be followed for all requests for allocations:
- Students must present a request in writing which shall include:
- Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address.
- Declared major.
- A detailed description of the activity, including dates/time/location of event, and an explanation of the relationship to current academic studies.
- An itemized budget of expenditures (travel expenses, lodging, registration fees, meals, etc) with the specific amount requested.
- A listing of funding from any other sources.
- A letter of recommendation from the faculty member(s) who officially supervised the project that led to the national presentation, exhibition or performance opportunity.
- Proposals will be reviewed by a Committee charged with the responsibility of evaluating the requests.
- Students will be required to provide a brief summary report after the completion of the activity in order to facilitate the Foundation’s assessment of the impact/benefit of the support provided. The accountability reports must be submitted within a month of returning from your conference.
Reimbursement Process
- Expenses are paid on a reimbursement basis only. This is to ensure that the student uses the funds appropriately.
- Mileage – Reimbursement will be at the appropriate mileage rate that is set by the University each year. Mileage is to be computed over the most commonly traveled (i.e. shortest route) route. A map will be required for reimbursement.
- Original detailed receipts, Travel Reimbursement Form, accountability report, and thank you must be turned in to the Foundation Office located in Spratt Hall 110 within a month of returning from your conference.
- Once the receipts are reviewed, a check will be issued to the student.
- Students will receive a notification to the email listed on their application when their check is ready for pick up in Leah Spratt Hall, Room 110.

Fall Requests
For fall requests, applications should be submitted no later than the third Friday in October.
Spring Requests
For spring requests, applications should be submitted no later than the third Friday in February.
Notification of Decision
Notification of the decisions regarding funding requests will be made in writing within 15 business days following the fall or spring deadlines.